Law reports, digests, etc. -- Great Britain -- History : The year books : lectures delivered in the University of London at the request of the Faculty of laws / by William Craddock Bolland ; with an introduction by the Right Hon. Sir Frederic Pollock
Law reports, digests, etc. -- India -- Mumbai : Cases illustrative of oriental life : and the application of English law to India, decided in H.M. Supreme Court at Bombay / by Sir Erskine Perry, late chief justice
Law reports, digests, etc. -- Isle of Man : The advocate's note book : being notes and minutes of cases heard and determined before the judicial tribunals of the Isle of Mann / by J.C. Bluett
Law reports, digests, etc Local government Law and legislation Australia : Australian local government digest, 1825-1941 : being a digest of the reported decisions relating to local government of the Australian courts and of the Privy Council on appeal therefrom / editor, Jean Malor ; consulting editor, B. Sugerman
Law reports, digests, etc. -- Nevada : Reports of cases decided in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the Ninth Circuit : embracing cases at law, civil and criminal, in equity, admiralty and bankruptcy, and cases on appeal from the American consular and ministerial courts in China and Japan / reported by L.S.B. Sawyer, counselor at law
Law reports, digests, etc. -- New England : Reports of cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the First Circuit / by William P. Mason, counsellor at law
Law reports, digests, etc. -- New Jersey -- Burlington County : The Burlington court book : a record of Quaker jurisprudence in West New Jersey, 1680-1709 / edited by H. Clay Reed, associate professor of history, University of Delaware ; and George J. Miller, counsellor at law, Perth Amboy, New Jersey
Law reports, digests, etc. -- Nova Scotia. : Reports of cases, argued and determined in the court of vice-admiralty : at Halifax, in Nova-Scotia, from the commencement of the war, in 1803, to the end of the year 1813, in the time of Alexander Croke / by James Stewart