Lawyers -- Germany -- Interviews : Dieter Grimm : advocate of the constitution / Dieter Grimm ; in conversation with Oliver Lepsius, Christian Waldhoff, and Matthias Rossbach ; translated by Justin Collings
Lawyers -- Great Britain -- Cases : Law, practice and usage in the solicitor's profession : being a digest of decisions of the courts and opinions, principally of the Council of the Law Society, affecting solicitors, exclusive of the Solicitors' Remuneration Act, 1881, and the Solicitors' Acts, 1888 and 1919
Lawyers -- Great Britain -- Discipline : The law as to solicitors : based on the Solicitors Act, 1932 (22 and 23 Geo. 5. Ch. 37) / by Sir Dennis Herbert, K.B.E., M.P., Solicitor and Member of the Council of the Law Society ; with an introduction by the Master of the Rolls, (The Rt. Hon. the Lord Hanworth, K.B.E.)
Lawyers -- Humor -- Early works to 1800 : The law and lawyers laid open : in twelve visions. To which is added, plain truth, in three dialogues, between Truman, Skinall, Dryboots, three attorneys, and Season a bencher
Lawyers -- Illinois -- History : Reminiscences of the Illinois bar forty years ago : Lincoln and Douglas as orators and lawyers / by Hon. Isaac N. Arnold
Lawyers -- Illinois -- Springfield -- Biography : One hundred years of law : an account of the law office which John T. Stuart founded in Springfield, Illinois, a century ago / by Paul M. Angle
Lawyers -- Indiana : Biographical sketches and review of the bench and bar of Indiana : containing biographies and sketches of eminent judges and lawyers of Indiana, together with a history of the judiciary of the state and review of the bar from the earliest times to the present, with anecdotes, reminiscences, etc. / [compiled] by Charles W. Taylor