Lernmotivation -- Schüler -- USA. : Academic motivation and the culture of school in childhood and adolescence / [edited by] Cynthia Hudley, Adele Eskeles Gottfried
Lernpsychologie Angst : Fear and learning : from basic processes to clinical implications / edited by Michelle G. Craske, Dirk Hermans, and Debora Vansteenwegen
Lernpsychologie Angst Aufsatzsammlung : Fear and learning : from basic processes to clinical implications / edited by Michelle G. Craske, Dirk Hermans, and Debora Vansteenwegen
Lernpsychologie Phobie Aufsatzsammlung : Fear and learning : from basic processes to clinical implications / edited by Michelle G. Craske, Dirk Hermans, and Debora Vansteenwegen
Lernsoftware : Learning from experience : evaluating early childhood demonstration programs / Jeffrey R. Travers and Richard J. Light, editors ; Panel on Outcome Measurement in Early Childhood Demonstration Programs, Committee on Child Development Research and Public Policy, Assembly of Behavioral and Social Sciences, National Research Council
Leroux, Gaston, 1868-1927. Fantôme de l'Opéra. English. : Novels for students. Volume 20 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied novels / Ira Mark Milne and Timothy Sisler, project editors ; foreword by Anne Devereaux Jordan
Leroux, Nanette : Hysteria complicated by ecstasy : the case of Nanette Leroux / Jan Goldstein
LeRoy, Bayard & Co. (New York, N.Y.) -- Trials, litigation, etc : Report of the evidence and reasons of the award : between Johannis Orlandos & Andreas Luriottis, Greek deputies, of the one part, and Le Roy, Bayard & Co. and G.G. & S. Howland, of the other part / by the arbitrators
Lerroux, Alejandro, 1864-1949. : Alejandro Lerroux and the failure of Spanish Republican Democracy : A Political Biography (1864-1949) / Roberto Villa García ; translated by Julius Ruiz
Lerski, Helmar, 1871-1956. : Photography and Jewish history : five twentieth-century cases / Amos Morris-Reich