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Book Cover
Author Leung, Ping-kwan, 1949-2013.

Title City at the end of time : poems by Leung Ping-kwan / edited and introduced by Esther M.K. Cheung ; poems translated by Gordon T. Osing and Leung Ping-kwan = Xing xiang Xianggang : Liang Bingjun shi xuan / bian ji, xu yan, Zhang Meijun ; shi zuo fan yi, Gedun Aocheng, Liang Bingjun
City at the end of time : poems by Leung Ping-kwan = 形象香港 : 梁秉钧詩選 / edited and introduced by Esther M.K. Cheung ; translated by Gordon T. Osing and Leung Ping-kwan
Published Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, ©2012


Description 1 online resource (271 pages)
Series Echoes: classics of Hong Kong culture and history
Echoes (Hong Kong, China)
Notes Written by Leung Ping-kwan in the 1980s and 1990s, this volume of poetry evokes the complexity of Hong Kong city life in the critical moments preceding the 1997 handover. The poet muses upon the problems of cultural identity and the passing of time, and explores the relationship between poetry and other genres and media within a cross-cultural and cross-border context. An introduction by Ackbar Abbas in the original edition relates Leung?s writing to the cultural and political space of Hong Kong in the 1990s. This expanded bilingual version adds a new essay by Esther Cheung, and also a recent
Text in English and Chinese
Print version record
Subject Leung, Ping-kwan, 1949-2013 -- Translations into English
Leung, Ping-kwan, 1949-2013
Chinese poetry -- China -- Hong Kong -- Translations into English
POETRY -- Asian.
Chinese poetry
Social conditions
Hong Kong (China) -- Social conditions -- 20th century -- Poetry
China -- Hong Kong
Genre/Form poetry.
Form Electronic book
Author Osing, Gordon, 1937-
Cheung, Esther M. K.
ISBN 9789882208377
Other Titles Poems. Selections. English & Chinese
880-02 Xing xiang Xianggang : Liang Bingjun shi xuan
880-02/$1 形象香港 : 梁秉钧詩選
Liang Bingjun shi xuan
Poems by Leung Ping-kwan