Libra DeLillo, Don : Novels for students. Volume 54 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels / Kristin B. Mallegg, project editor ; foreword by Anne Devereaux Jordan
Specialists in the management of a library or the services rendered by a library, bringing professional skills to administration, organization of material and personnel, interpretation of bibliothecal rules, the development and maintenance of the library's collection, and the provision of information services
Individuals professionally qualified in the management of patients' records. Duties may include planning, designing, and managing systems for patient administrative and clinical data, as well as patient medical records. The concept includes medical record technicians
Librarians and children : Education, software, supervision, empowerment : just some of the ways we can keep young Internet users safe in our libraries : a librarian's guide to Internet safety
Librarians -- Australia -- History. : Libraries and life in a changing world : the Metcalfe years, 1920-1970 : papers from Australian Library History Forum V at the University of New South Wales, 6-7th November, 1992 / edited by W. Boyd Rayward
Here are entered works on the education of librarians. Works dealing with the instruction of readers in library use are entered under the heading Library orientation --subdivision Study and teaching under special subjects, e.g. Book selection--Study and teaching
Librarians -- Education (Continuing education) -- Congresses : Strategies for regenerating the library and information professions : Eighth World Conference on Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning for the Library and Information Professions, 18-20 August 2009, Bologna, Italy / edited by Jana Varlejs and Graham Walton
Librarians -- Education (Higher) : IMPACT learning : librarians at the forefront of change in higher education / Clarence Maybee
Librarians -- Great Britain -- Correspondence. : Letters of Humfrey Wanley : palaeographer, Anglo-Saxonist, librarian, 1672-1726 : with an appendix of documents / edited by P.L. Heyworth