liberalisation of the market. : Defence procurement in the European Union : the current debate / report of an EUISS task force ; Chairman and rapporteur: Burkard Schmitt
Liberalism -- 21st century : Policing wars : on military intervention in the twenty-first century / Caroline Holmqvist
Liberalism -- Africa, North : The iron cage of liberalism : international politics and unarmed revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa / Daniel P. Ritter
Liberalism -- Africa, Southern : The fates of political liberalism in the British post-colony : the politics of the legal complex / edited by Terence C. Halliday, Lucien Karpik, Malcolm M. Feeley
Liberalism -- Arab countries -- History : Arabic thought beyond the liberal age : towards an intellectual history of the Nahda / edited by Jens Hanssen, University of Toronto ; Max Weiss, Princeton University
Liberalism -- Argentina -- History : Liberal thought in Argentina, 1837-1940 / edited and with an introduction by Natalio R. Botana and Ezequiel Gallo ; translated from the Spanish by Ian Barnett
Liberalism -- Asia -- Case studies. : Liberalization, growth, and the Asian financial crisis : lessons for developing and transitional economies in Asia / Mohamed Ariff, Ahmed M. Khalid
Liberalism -- Caribbean Area -- History : LOS VIENTOS DEL LIBERALISMO EN EL CARIBE : efectos, transformaciones e intercambios en la transición del sigle XVIII al XIX
Liberalism -- Case studies : Rethinking the liberal peace : external models and local alternatives / edited by Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh