Library catalogs -- England. : Old English libraries : the making, collection and use of books during the Middle Ages / by Ernest A. Savage ; with fifty-two illustrations
Library catalogs -- History : Kallimachos : the Alexandrian Library and the origins of bibliography / Rudolf Blum ; translated from the German by Hans H. Wellisch
Library catalogs -- New Zealand. : Catalogue of the General Assembly Library of New Zealand / compiled chiefly by Basil E. Seymour Stocker and Edward Samuel ; superintended, revised and edited throughout, and in part rewritten by Herbert Louis James ; assisted by Charles H. Streeton
Library catalogs -- Poland -- Łódź : Germanica des 16. Jahrhunderts in der Universitätsbibliothek Łódź : Katalog der Bestände. Band 1 / erstellt von Jakub Gortat, Heinrich Hofmann und Tomasz Ososiński unter Mitarbeit von Sylwia Kostyra, Agata Miżdal-Karmelita und Anna Ramb ; hearusgegeben von Cora Dietl und Małgorzata Kubisiak
Library catalogs -- Spain : Literatura, bibliotecas y derechos de autor en el Siglo de Oro (1600-1700) / José María Díez Borque (dir.), Álvaro Bustos Táuler (ed.)
Library catalogs -- Syria -- Damascus : Medieval Damascus : plurality and diversity in an Arabic library : the Ashrafiya library catalogue / Konrad Hirschler
Here are entered catalogs of materials held in two or more libraries --subdivisions Union lists under types of printed or non-book materials, e.g. Italian imprints--Union lists; and Bibliography--Union lists under subjects, e.g. Technology--Bibliography--Union lists
Library cats. : Dewey : the small-town library cat who touched the world / Vicki Myron with Bret Witter
A large collection of DNA fragments cloned (CLONING, MOLECULAR) from a given organism, tissue, organ, or cell type. It may contain complete genomic sequences (GENOMIC LIBRARY) or complementary DNA sequences, the latter being formed from messenger RNA and lacking intron sequences
Library circulation and loans -- Congresses. : Self-service in academic libraries : future or fallacy? : proceedings of a conference organised by Information Services, University of Sunderland, in conjunction with SCONUL, held at St. Peter's Campus, University of Sunderland, 24/26 June 1996 / edited by Andrew McDonald and Janet Stafford
Library Collection Development -- organization & administration : Guide for written collection policy statements / Subcommittee to Revise the Guide for Written Collection Policy Statements, Administration of Collection Development Committee, Collection Management and Development Section, Association for Library Collections & Technical Services ; Joanne S. Anderson, editor