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Literary studies: plays & playwrights -- Postwar period, 1945 to c 2000. : Reassessing the theatre of the absurd : Camus, Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, and Pinter / Michael Y. Bennett  2011 1
Literary studies: plays & playwrights -- United Kingdom, Great Britain. : Contemporary British theatre : breaking new ground / Vicky Angelaki  2013 1
Literary studies: plays & playwrights -- United States of America, USA -- English -- 20th century, c 1900 to c 1999. : American playwriting and the anti-political prejudice : twentieth- and twenty-first- century perspectives / by Nelson Pressley  2014 1
Literary studies: plays & playwrights -- USA. : Urban drama : the metropolis in contemporary North American plays / J. Chris Westgate  2011 1
Literary studies: poetry & poets.   194
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- 19th century, c 1800 to c 1899. : The history of British women's writing. Volume five, 1750-1830 / edited by Jacqueline M. Labbe  2010 1
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- 20th century, c 1900 to c 1999.   2
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- c 1918 to c 1939 (Inter-war period) : T.S. Eliot and the failure to connect : satire on modern misunderstandings / G. Douglas Atkins  2013 1
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- English.   25
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- English -- 19th century, c 1800 to c 1899.   2
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- English -- Caribbean islands. : Afro-Caribbean poetry and ritual / Paul A. Griffith  2010 1
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- English -- Ireland.   2
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- English -- Spanish -- Latin America. : Formal matters in contemporary Latino poetry / Frederick Luis Aldama  2013 1
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- English -- USA.   8
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- English -- USA -- China. : American modernist poetry and the Chinese encounter / edited by Zhang Yuejun and Stuart Christie  2012 1
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- Gothic -- Romanticism. : Sexuality and the Gothic magic lantern : desire, eroticism and literary visibilities from Byron to Bram Stoker / by David J. Jones  2014 1
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- Inter-war period, 1918-1939. : Writing celebrity : Stein, Fitzgerald, and the modern(ist) art of self-fashioning / Timothy W. Galow  2011 1
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- Ireland -- 19th century, c 1800 to c 1899. : The development of Byron's philosophy of knowledge : certain in uncertainty / Emily A. Bernhard Jackson  2010 1
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- Ireland -- English. : Thomas Chatterton and neglected genius, 1760-1830 / Daniel Cook, Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow, University of Bristol, UK  2013 1
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- The Americas. : Poetry after the invention of América : don't light the flower / Andrés Ajéns ; translated by Michelle Gil-Montero ; introduction by Erin Moure and Forrest Gander  2011 1
Literary studies: poetry & poets -- USA. : Language and the renewal of society in Walt Whitman, Laura (Riding) Jackson, and Charles Olson : the American cratylus / Carla Billitteri  2009 1
Literary studies: post-colonial literature.   167
Literary studies: post-colonial literature -- English.   3
Literary studies: post-colonial literature -- English -- Indian sub-continent. : "Post"-9/11 South Asian diasporic fiction : uncanny terror / Pei-chen Liao  2013 1
Literary studies: post-colonial literature -- Spanish -- Mexico -- USA. : Sacred iconographies in Chicana cultural productions / Clara Román-Odio  2013 1
Literary studies: post-colonial literature -- Urdu. : Urdu literary culture : vernacular modernity in the writing of Muhammad Hasan Askari / Mehr Afshan Farooqi  2012 1
Literary studies: post-colonial literature -- USA. : The postcolonial and imperial experience in American transcendentalism / Marek Paryz  2012 1
Literary studies: postcolonial literature.   3
Literary Studies -- Romance Literature -- French Literature -- 8th-15th Century : Expletive and Referential Subject Pronouns in Medieval French  2014 1
Literary Studies -- Romance Literature -- Romance Literature, general : Germania Litteraria Mediaevalis Francigena: Band 2: Sprache und Verskunst  2014 1
Literary Studies -- Selected Research Topics -- Individual Motifs, Motif Research : "If Then the World a Theatre Present ..." : Revisions of the Theatrum Mundi Metaphor in Early Modern England  2014 1
Literary Studies -- Textual Scholarship : Vom Nutzen der Editionen : Zur Bedeutung moderner Editorik für die Erforschung von Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte / edited by Thomas Bein  2015 1
Literary studies -- writing -- translations -- language area: Spanish. : Translocalities/translocalidades : feminist politics of translation in the Latin/a Americas / Sonia E. Alvarez, Claudia de Lima Costa, Verónica Feliu, Rebecca J. Hester, Norma Klahn, and Millie Thayer, editors ; with Cruz Caridad Bueno  2014 1
  Literary style -- 13 Related Subjects   13
Literary style   345
Literary style Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430 : The shadows of poetry : Vergil in the mind of Augustine / Sabine MacCormack  1998 1
Literary style Austen, Jane, 1775-1817   5
Literary style Authors, Latin Congresses : What's in a name? : the significance of proper names in classical Latin literature / editors, Joan Booth and Robert Maltby ; contributors, Frédérique Biville [and others]  2006 1
Literary style Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626   2
Literary style Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989   3
Literary style -- Bibliography. : Style and stylistics : an analytical bibliography / Louis Tonko Milic  1967 1
Literary style Blake, William, 1757-1827 : But he talked of the temple of man's body : Blake's revelation un-locked / by Eliza Borkowska  2009 1
Literary style Bosch, Juan, 1909-2001 : La expresividad en la cuentística de Juan Bosch : análisis estilístico = Expressiveness in Juan Bosch's short stories : a stylistic analysis / Manuel A. Ossers ; translated by Milagros Montiel de Buckley ; with a foreword by Mimi Yang and a preface by Alicia de Gregorio  2010 1
Literary style Brontë, Charlotte, 1816-1855 : Romantic imagery in the novels of Charlotte Brontë / Cynthia A. Linder  1978 1
Literary style Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806-1861 : Fresh strange music : Elizabeth Barrett Browning's language / Donald S. Hair  2015 1
Literary style Browning, Robert, 1812-1889 : The dialectical temper : the rhetorical art of Robert Browning / W. David Shaw  1968 1
Literary style Bruno, Giordano, 1548-1600 : Giordano Bruno and the geometry of language / Arielle Saiber  2016 1
Literary style Camus, Albert, 1913-1960 : Albert Camus, l'histoire d'un Style  2013 1
Literary style -- Case studies. : Sade, Fourier, Loyola / Roland Barthes ; translated [from the French] by Richard Miller  1977 1
Literary style Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616 : Los cuentos y las novelas del Quijote / Stanislav Zimic  2003 1
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