Local government -- Oceania. : Decentralisation in the South Pacific : local, provincial, and state government in twenty countries / [edited by Peter Larmour and Ropate Qalo ; with chapters by Max Chivot ... and others]
Local government -- OECD countries -- Congresses : Decentralising employment policy : new trends and challenges : the Venice conference / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Local government -- Pacific States : The Pacific law encyclopedia : a complete hand book of all matters ordinarily coming before judges, attorneys, justices of the peace, sheriffs, county clerks, coroners, notaries, jurors, guardians, corporations, banks, boards of supervisors, boards of education, trustees, directors, insurance officers, farmers, merchants and business men; such as laws of business bankruptcy, mines, attachments, homesteads, mills, deeds, mortgages, leases, notes and bills, husband and wife, marriage and divorce, mechanics' liens, arbitrations, apprentices, pre-emptions, licenses, partnership, bonds, agreements, assignments, sales, guaranty, etc., etc.; with forms, in conformity with the statutes of, and designed for use in, the states and territories of the Pacific coast / by Jabez F. Cowdery, of the San Francisco bar
Local government -- Poland -- Małopolska -- Public opinion : Social imaginaries of the state and central authorities in Polish Highland villages, 1999-2005 / by Anna Malewska-Szałygin ; translators, Aniela Korzeniowska and Stefan Sikora
Local government -- Québec (Province) : La politique territoriale au Québec : 50 ans d'audace, d'hésitations et d'impuissance / sous la direction de Marc-Urbain Proulx et Marie-Claude Prémont