Memoir on the constitutional rights of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein : Germany unmasked, or, Facts and coincidences explanatory of her real views in seeking to wrest Schleswig from Denmark : with an appendix containing remarks on the "Memoir" on Schleswig and Holstein presented to Viscount Palmerston by the Chevalier Bunsen
Memoir on the expediency of an ecclesiastical establishment for British India Buchanan, Claudius, 1766-1815 : Vindication of the Hindoos from the aspersions of the Reverend Claudius Buchanan, M.A. : with a refutation of the arguments exhibited in his memoir, on the expediency of an ecclesiastical establishment for British India, and the ultimate civilization of the natives, by their conversion to Christianity ; also, remarks on an address from the missionaries in Bengal to the natives of India, condemning their errors and inviting them to become Christians, the whole tending to evince the excellence of the moral system of the Hindoos, and the danger of interfering with their customs or religion / by a Bengal officer
Memoir Van Duyn, Mona : Poetry for students. Volume 20 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Anne Marie Hacht, project editor ; foreword by David Kelly
Mémoire -- Aspect physiologique -- Congrès. : Varieties of memory and consciousness : essays in honour of Endel Tulving / edited by Henry L. Roediger, III Fergus I.M. Craik
Mémoire -- Aspect social -- Canada. : Canadians and their pasts / Margaret Conrad, Kadriye Ercikan, Gerald Friesen, Jocelyn Létourneau, Delphin Muise, David Northrup, and Peter Seixas
Mémoire collective -- 20e siècle. : Genocide, collective violence, and popular memory : the politics of remembrance in the twentieth century / David E. Lorey, William H. Beezley editors
Memoire collective -- Acadie : Saisir le présent, penser l'avenir : réflexions sur l'Acadie contemporaine / sous la direction de Julien Massicotte
Mémoire collective -- Canada. : Canadians and their pasts / Margaret Conrad, Kadriye Ercikan, Gerald Friesen, Jocelyn Létourneau, Delphin Muise, David Northrup, and Peter Seixas
mémoire -- neurosciences. : The memory process : neuroscientific and humanistic perspectives / edited by Suzanne Nalbantian, Paul M. Matthews, and James L. McClelland
Mémoire partagée répartie. : Scalable shared-memory multiprocessing / Daniel E. Lenoski, Wolf-Dietrich Weber