Métaux -- Plasticité. : Engineering plasticity : theory and applications in metal forming / Z.R. Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, W.L. Hu, Troy Design & Manufacturing Co., USA, S.J. Yuan, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, X.S. Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Metaverse -- Law and legislation. : Finance and law in the metaverse world : regulation and financial innovation in the virtual world / Nadia Mansour, Lorenzo M. Bujosa Vadell, editors
Unicellular or multicellular, heterotrophic organisms, that have sensation and the power of voluntary movement. Under the older five kingdom paradigm, Animalia was one of the kingdoms. Under the modern three domain model, Animalia represents one of the many groups in the domain EUKARYOTA
Metazoa -- Evolution : The comparative embryology of sponges / Alexander V. Ereskovsky
Metazoa -- Phylogeny : Deep Metazoan Phylogeny: the Backbone of the Tree of Life : New Insights from Analyses of Molecules, Morphology, and Theory of Data Analysis
Métazoaires. : Micromammals and macroparasites : from evolutionary ecology to management / S. Morand, B.R. Krasnov, R. Poulin (eds.)
Métazoaires -- Évolution. : First signals : the evolution of multicellular development / John Tyler Bonner