Métodos estadísticos Bioquímica : Identifiability and regression analysis of biological systems models : statistical and mathematical foundations and R scripts / Paola Lecca
Métodos estadísticos Bosques : Statistical methods and applications in forestry and environmental sciences / Girish Chandra, Raman Nautiyal, Hukum Chandra, editors
Métodos estadísticos Climatología : Statistical analysis of climate series : analyzing, plotting, modeling, and predicting with R / Helmut Pruscha
Métodos estadísticos Conductismo : Statistical methods in counterterrorism : game theory, modeling, syndromic surveillance, and biometric authentication / Alyson G. Wilson, Gregory D. Wilson, David H. Olwell, editors
Métodos estadísticos Coste de vida : Living standards analytics : development through the lens of household survey data / Dominique Haughton, Jonathan Haughton
Métodos estadísticos Covid-19 : Fractional stochastic differential equations : applications to Covid-19 modeling / Abdon Atangana, Seda İgret Araz
Métodos estadísticos Criptomoneda : Financial data resampling for machine learning based trading : application to cryptocurrency markets / Tomé Almeida Borges, Rui Neves
Métodos estadísticos Dirección de personal : Excel 2019 for human resource management statistics : a guide to solving practical problems / Thomas J. Quirk, Julie Palmer-Schuyler
Métodos estadísticos Enseñanza-Evaluación : Statistical methods for the evaluation of educational services and quality of products / Matilde Bini [and others], editors
Métodos estadísticos Evaluación de riesgos Congresos : Mindful topics on risk analysis and design of experiments : selected contributions from ICRA8, Vienna 2019 / Jürgen Pilz, Teresa A. Oliveira, Karl Moder, Christos P. Kitsos, editors