--headings for specific types of health insurance, e.g. Cancer insurance
Medical insurance. : Group medical takaful for Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) staff in 2011 / Chee Chee Lim (Universiti Utara Malaysia), Shahrul Nizam Ahmad (Universiti Utara Malaysia)
Medical jurisprudence -- California : Medical aspects of personal injury litigation / sponsored by the State Bar of California and participating local bar associations
Medical jurisprudence -- Dictionaries : The simplified medical dictionary for lawyers / by Bernard S. Maloy, M.D., Fellow of the American Medical Association ; formerly Medical Counsel for the Law Department of the City of Chicago ; past assistant editor of the Illinois state medical journal ; formerly Acting Assistant Surgeon United States Public Health Service ; author of Legal anatomy and surgery, Nervous and mental diseases, etc
Medical jurisprudence -- Europe : Malpractice and medical liability : European state of the art and guidelines / Santo Davide Ferrara, editor ; Rafael Boscolo-Berto, Guido Viel, co-editors
Medical jurisprudence. : Tot Persistit! Verzamelde Blogs Van Een Defense Lawyer in Het Gezondheidsrecht
Medical jurisprudence -- Germany : Das Recht auf Anhörung eines bestimmten Arztes ([Paragraph] 109 SGG) : dogmatische Einordnung und sozialgerichtliche Praxis eines umstrittenen Prozessinstruments / Daniela Schweigler