Machinery -- Social aspects : From curlers to chainsaws : women and their machines / edited by Joyce Dyer, Jennifer Cognard-Black, and Elizabeth MacLeod Walls
Machinery TECHNOLOGY : Smart agriculture : emerging pedagogies of deep learning, machine learning and Internet of Things / edited by Govind Singh Patel, associate editors, Amrita Rai, Nripendra Narayan Das, R.P. Singh
Machinery -- Terminology. : Engineering eponyms : an annotated bibliography of some named elements, principles, and machines in mechanical engineering / C. P. Auger
Machinery -- Testing -- Data processing -- Congresses : Rotating Machinery and Signal Processing : Proceedings of the First Workshop on Signal Processing Applied to Rotating Machinery Diagnostics, SIGPROMD '2017, April 09-11, 2017, Setif, Algeria / Ahmed Felkaoui, Fakher Chaari, Mohamed Haddar, editors
Machinery Tomatoes Harvesting : Rapid damage-free robotic harvesting of tomatoes / Jizhan Liu, Zhiguo Li, Pingping Li
Machines Calculating : Vom himmlischen Uhrwerk zur statistischen Fabrik: 600 Jahre Entdeckungsrlise in das Neuland osterreichischer Statistik und Datenverarbeitung
Apparatus that provides mechanical circulatory support during open-heart surgery, by passing the heart to facilitate surgery on the organ. The basic function of the machine is to oxygenate the body's venous supply of blood and then pump it back into the arterial system. The machine also provides intracardiac suction, filtration, and temperature control. Some of the more important components of these machines include pumps, oxygenators, temperature regulators, and filters. (UMDNS, 1999)
Machines -- Histoire. : Explorations in the history and heritage of machines and mechanisms : proceedings of the 2018 HMM IFToMM Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms / Baichun Zhang, Marco Ceccarelli, editors
Devices which can substitute for normally functioning KIDNEYS in removing components from the blood by DIALYSIS that are normally eliminated in the URINE