Magic -- Amazon River Region : In darkness and secrecy : the anthropology of assault sorcery and witchcraft in Amazonia / edited by Neil L. Whitehead and Robin Wright
Magic -- Bolivia -- Vitocota : Magic and catholicism / an American Universities Field Staff presentation ; director, Hubert Smith ; producer, Norman Miller
Magic -- Communist countries : Religion and magic in socialist and post-socialist contexts II : historic and ethnographic case studies of orthodoxy, heterodoxy and alternative spirituality / Alexandra Cotofana, James M. Nyce (eds.) ; with a foreword by Anita Stasulane
Magic -- Cross-cultural studies. : Shamans, priests, and witches : a cross-cultural study of magico-religious practitioners / by Michael James Winkelman
Magic -- Cuba : El monte : notes on the religions, magic, and folklore of the Black and Creole people of Cuba / Lydia Cabrera ; translated by David Font-Navarrete