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Author Brussels International Upper Extremity Symposium (1997 : Brussels, Belgium)

Title Advances in upper and lower extremity microvascular reconstructions / F. Schuind [and others]
Published Singapore ; River Edge, NJ : World Scientific, ©2002


Description 1 online resource : illustrations
Contents Upper and lower extremity microvascular reconstructions, Genval/Brussels, Belgium, March 1997 / Frederic A. Schuind -- I. An introduction to microvascular reconstructions. Organization of the microsurgery team / Serge de Fontaine -- The use of magnifying loupes instead of the microscope in microsurgery / Philippe Greant -- Microvascular mechanical anastomoses in upper extremity reconstruction. Mechanical microvascular anastomotic system / Marco Lanzetta, Roberta Nolli, and Carlo Trevisan -- Local control mechanism of the bone blood flow / Bruno-Christophe Coessens, Eric Vandeweyer, and Michael B. Wood -- Management of venous congestion in trauma and reconstructive microsurgery: the significance of medicinal leeches / Panayotis N. Soucacos, and Alexandros E. Beris -- Principles of treatment of open fractures / Frederic Schuind -- Clinical and isokinetic shoulder evaluation after surgical harvesting of the latissimus dorsi muscle / Pascal Remy [and others] -- Free-flap evolution after hyperthermic regional chemotherapy in the isolated limb for malignant melanoma / Denis Goldschmidt, Jean Van Geertruyden, and Serge de Fontaine -- II. Vascularized bone transfers. Osteosynthesis by external fixation in microsurgical reconstructions of the limbs / Frederic Schuind [and others] -- Vascularized bone transfers and conventional bone grafts in Gustilo IIIB open tibial fractures / Olivier Isserentant, and Philippe Hoang -- Vascularized bone graft for infected nonunion with segmental bone defect / Yoshiki Yamano [and others] -- Application of the free fibular graft for the management of avascular necrosis of the femoral head / Panayotis N. Soucacos [and others] -- Vascularized epiphyseal transfer in upper limb skeletal reconstruction in children. Indications and operative technique / Marco Innocenti, Massimo Ceruso, and Luca Delcroix -- III. Reconstruction of the upper and lower extremities. Microvascular tissue transplantation for limb salvage surgery / Steffen Handstein, Klaus Plogmeier, and Wolfgang Schneider -- Emergency vascularized composite grafts for traumatic tissue defects / Yoshiki Yamano [and others] -- Lower extremity salvage with free tissue transfer by using an immediate arteriovenous loop in one stage / Murat Topalan -- The use of scapular and parascapular flap for upper and lower extremity reconstruction / Francesco Brunelli, and Caroline Leclercq -- The free medial thigh flap: a new approach / Nader Chahidi [and others] -- Treatment of septic skin and Achilles tendon defects by free tissue transfer: case report and review of literature / Jean-Valery Berthe [and others] -- Foot reconstruction: musculocutaneous or muscle flap? / Saulius Viksraitis [and others] -- IV. Reconstruction of the hand. Single-stage reconstruction of hand function following mutilating upper extremity injury: simultaneous soft tissue replacement and tendon transfer / Matthew M. Tomaino -- Microsurgical reconstruction of defects of the forearm and hand using the combined scapular/parascapular free flap / Michael Sauerbier [and others] -- Microsurgical toe transfer in congenital hand malformations / Guy Foucher, and Jose Medina -- Toe-to-hand transfer for thumb reconstruction in children with congenital abnormalities / Sergey I. Golyana, and Igor V. Shvedovchenko -- Microvascular partial toe transfers for distal thumb reconstruction / Patrick Lorea [and others] -- Microsurgical reconstruction of the thumb using the controlateral mutilated fifth ray: a case report / Laurent Obert [and others] -- Reconstruction of defects of sensory nerves in hand surgery using vein grafts / Albin Obiltschnig -- Reconstruction of upper extremity peripheral nerve injuries with an ePTFE conduit / Sanda Stanec, Zdenko Stanec, and Sreoeko Budi
Summary Advances made in microsurgical techniques have dramatically improved the treatment of complex limb injuries, such as a closed fracture covered by healthy tissue and a complex open fracture of the tibia. Microvascular transfers from the foot have revolutionized the treatment of digital amputations, and vascularized bone transfers are used in various indications. The microvascular techniques are still evolving. Many imaginative flaps are being proposed to meet precisely the functional requirements of the various defects. Alternative anastomotic techniques are being investigated and the no-flow phenomenon has been extensively studied. Allotransplantation may be feasible in the future. This text is a result of the exchange of ideas among clinicians of various specialities noted for their innovations and basic researchers involved with the problems of microvascular reconstruction of upper and lower extremities. While most of the chapters are invited contributions, some are based on presentations made during an international symposium held in Brussels, Belgium, in 1997
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Microsurgery -- Congresses
Arm -- Surgery -- Congresses
Leg -- Surgery -- Congresses
Hand -- Surgery -- Congresses
Surgery, Plastic -- Congresses
Surgery, Plastic.
Plastic Surgery Procedures
MEDICAL -- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
Arm -- Surgery
Hand -- Surgery
Leg -- Surgery
Surgery, Plastic
Microchirurgie -- Congrès comme sujet.
Bras -- chirurgie -- Congrès comme sujet.
Jambe -- chirurgie -- Congrès comme sujet.
Main -- chirurgie -- Congrès comme sujet.
Intervention chirurgicale reconstructive -- Congrès comme sujet.
Bras -- Chirurgie -- Congrès comme sujet.
Jambe -- Chirurgie -- Congrès comme sujet.
Genre/Form Electronic books
proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Conference papers and proceedings.
Actes de congrès.
Form Electronic book
Author Schuind, Frédéric.
ISBN 9789812778208