Main-d'oeuvre -- Asie orientale. : Work and society : labour and human resources in East Asia / edited by Ian Nich, Gordon Redding, Ng Sek-hong
Main-d'œuvre -- Coût -- Comptabilité. : The human resources scorecard : measuring the return on investment / Jack J. Phillips, Ron D. Stone, Patricia Pulliam Phillips
Main-d'œuvre -- Planification. : The human resources scorecard : measuring the return on investment / Jack J. Phillips, Ron D. Stone, Patricia Pulliam Phillips
Main heading -- Subdivision -- Standards : Plastics : methods of exposure to laboratory light sources. part 3, flourescent UV lams = Plastiques : méthodes d'exposition à des sources lumineuses de laboratoire. partie 3: lampes fluorescentes UV
Maine Abenaki Indians : Voices from the barrens : native people, sovereignty and blueberries = akonutomahtuwok 'cey ihtolahkikhotimkil / directed by Nancy Ghertner ; produced by Nancy Ghertner Productions