Man-woman relationships -- Argentina -- Drama : La niña de tacones amarillos / una película de Luján Loioco ; guión y dirección, Luján Loioco ; producida por Werner Cine, Luján Loioco
Man-woman relationships -- Brazil -- Fiction : The slum : a novel / by Aluísio Azevedo ; translated from the Portuguese by David H. Rosenthal ; with a foreword by David H. Rosenthal and an afterword by Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna
Man-woman relationships -- California -- Drama. : Sideways / Fox Searchlight Pictures presents a Michael London production ; produced by Michael London ; screenplay by Alexander Payne & Jim Taylor ; directed by Alexander Payne
Man-woman relationships -- California -- Los Angeles -- Drama. : Blade runner / a Ladd Company release in association with Sir Run Run Shaw ; Jerry Perenchio and Bud Yorkin present a Michael Deeley-Ridley Scott production ; produced by Michael Deeley ; screenplay by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples ; directed by Ridley Scott
Man-woman relationships -- China : Misers, shrews, and polygamists : sexuality and male-female relations in eighteenth-century Chinese fiction / Keith McMahon
Man-woman relationships -- China -- Hong Kong : Online dating as a strategic game : why and how men in Hong Kong use QQ to chase women in mainland China / by Kwok-bun Chan, Kwok-to Choi