Mangrove swamps -- Climatic changes : Impact of expected climate change on mangroves : UNEP-UNESCO Task Team, Report of the First meeting, Rio de Janeiro, 1-3 June 1992
Mangrove swamps -- Climatic factors. : Impact of expected climate change on mangroves : UNEP-UNESCO Task Team, Report of the First meeting, Rio de Janeiro, 1-3 June 1992
Mangrove swamps -- Maps : World atlas of mangroves / Mark Spalding, Mami Kainuma and Lorna Collins
Mangrove swamps -- New Zealand. : Mangroves in New Zealand : trees in the tide / Pam Crisp, Lindsay Daniel, Philip Tortell for the Nature Conservation Council ; [illustrations, Jeff Eden, Tim Galloway, Logan Anderson ; editor, Paula Wagemaker]
Manhattan Building sites Risk assessment Kansas : Evaluation of the updated site-specific risk assessment for the National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan, Kansas / Committee on the Evaluation of the Updated Site-Specific Risk Assessment for the National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan, Kansas ; Board on Life Sciences ; Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources ; Division on Earth and Life Studies ; National Research Council
Manhattan District history, Project Y, the Alamos Project : Critical assembly : a technical history of Los Alamos during the Oppenheimer years, 1943-1945 / Lillian Hoddeson ... [and others] ; with contributions from Gordon Baym ... [and others]
Manhattan New School (New York, N.Y.) / : Lifetime guarantees : toward ambitious literacy teaching / Shelley Harwayne