Manuscripts, Arabic -- Ethiopia -- Addis Ababa -- Catalogs : A handlist of the manuscripts in the Institute of Ethiopian Studies. Volume two, The Arabic materials of the Ethiopian Islamic tradition / Alessandro Gori ; with contributions from Anne Regourd, Jeremy R. Brown, and Steve Delamarter ; and a foreword by Demeke Berhane
Manuscripts, Arabic -- Exhibitions. : Pages of perfection : Islamic paintings and calligraphy from the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg / written by Yuri A.Petrosyan ... [and others] ; with essays by Marie Lukens Swietochowski and Stefano Carboni
Manuscripts, Arabic -- Hungary -- Budapest : Treasures of knowledge : an inventory of the Ottoman Palace Library (1502/3-1503/4) / edited by Gülru Necipoğlu, Cemal Kafadar, and Cornell H. Fleischer
Manuscripts, Arabic -- Islamic Empire : Variance in Arabic manuscripts : Arabic didactic poems from the eleventh to the seventeenth centuries : analysis of textual variance and its control in the manuscripts / Florian Sobieroj
Manuscripts, Arabic -- Morocco -- Fès : The historical chronicle of Abū ʻAbdallāh Maḥammad Ibn Ibrāhīm al-Dukkāl̄i : Fes in the mid-18th century (1149/1736-1179/1766) / edited and translated by Norman Cigar
Manuscripts, Arabic -- Uzbekistan -- Catalogs : L'art du livre en Asie Centrale de la fin du XVIe siecle au debut du XXe siecle : étude des manuscrits coraniques de l'Institut d'Orientalisme Abû Rayḥân Bîrûnî / by Marie Efthymiou
Manuscripts, Aramaic -- France -- Colmar : Sur les traces de la bibliothèque médiévale des Juifs de Colmar : reconstitution à partir des fragments conservés dans les reliures d'incunables / par Judith Kogel
Manuscripts, Aramaic -- West Bank -- Qumran Site -- Congresses : Vision, narrative, and wisdom in the Aramaic texts from Qumran : essays from the Copenhagen Symposium, 14-15 August, 2017 / edited by Mette Bundvad, Kasper Siegismund ; with the collaboration of Melissa Sayyad Bach, Søren Holst, Jesper Høgenhaven