Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) -- England -- Oxford. : Bestiary : being an English version of the Bodleian Library, Oxford M.S. Bodley 764 with all the original miniatures reproduced in facsimile / translated and introduced by Richard Barber
Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) -- Facsimiles : Lupus of Ferrieres as scribe and text critic : a study of his autograph copy of Cicero's De oratore / by Charles Henry Beeson ; with a facsimile of the manuscript
Manuscripts, Latin (Medieval and modern) -- Germany -- Heiningen -- History : Arbeiten an der Identitat : zur Medialitat der "cura monialium" im Kompendium des Rektors eines reformierten Chorfrauenstifts : mit Edition und Abbildung einer Windesheimer "Forma investiendi sanctimonialium" und ihrer Notationen / Eckhart Conrad Lutz
Manuscripts, Latin (Papyri) -- Periodicals : Minima epigraphica et papyrologica : taccuini della Cattedra e del Laboratorio di epigrafia e papirologia giuridica dell'Università degli studi di Catanzaro "Magna Græcia."
Manuscripts, Maya -- History : The Madrid Codex : new approaches to understanding an ancient Maya manuscript / edited by Gabrielle Vail and Anthony Aveni
Manuscripts, Maya -- Mexico -- Facsimiles : Códice maya de México : understanding the oldest surviving book of the Americas / edited by Andrew D. Turner, with contributions by Gerardo Gutiérrez, Baltazar Brito Guadarrama, and Jesús Guillermo Kantún Rivera
Manuscripts, Medieval -- Editing -- Congresses : Editing Robert Grosseteste : papers given at the thirty-sixth annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, 3-4 November 2000 / edited by Evelyn A. Mackie and Joseph Goering