Marketing of Health Service : Market segmentation : using demographics, psychographics, and other niche marketing techniques to predict and model customer behavior / Art Weinstein
Marketing of Health Services -- standards : Developing the information infrastructure for Medicare beneficiaries : summary of a workshop / Committee on Choice and Managed Care: Furthering the Knowledge Base to Ensure Public Accountability and Information for Informed Purchasing by and on Behalf of Medicare Beneficiaries, Office of Health Policy Programs and Fellowships, Institute of Medicine ; Valerie Tate Jopeck and Marion Ein Lewin, editors
Marketing Organic farming Case studies : General Mills : driving food systems change through regenerative agriculture / William B. Rosenzweig, Toby Stuart, Elaine Hsu, Emily Pelissier, Christina Skonberg
Marketing Organic fertilizers Malaysia : The fall of smart organic fertilizer : can it be revived? / Rozhan Abu Dardak, Farzana Quoquab (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
Marketing Painting : Connecting art markets : Guilliam Forchondt's dealership in Antwerp (c. 1632-78) and the overseas paintings trade / by Sandra van Ginhoven
Marketing Painting History 17th century : Connecting art markets : Guilliam Forchondt's dealership in Antwerp (c. 1632-78) and the overseas paintings trade / by Sandra van Ginhoven
Marketing -- Pakistan : Alpine Trekkers and Tours : economic condition and its impacts on tourism industry of Pakistan / Syed Shaan Abbas (FAST School of Management, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan), and Muhammad Akhtar (FAST School of Management, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan)