The collective name for islands of the Pacific Ocean east of the Philippines, including the Mariana, PALAU, Caroline, Marshall, and Kiribati Islands. (From Webster's New Geographical Dictionary, 1988, p761 & Room, Brewer's Dictionary of Names, 1992, p350)
Marshall Islands Accounting : Diagnostic study of accounting and auditing practices in selected developing member countries : Azerbaijan; Fiji Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands; Philippines; Sri Lanka
Marshall Islands Age groups : Talking like children : language and the production of age in the Marshall Islands / Elise Berman
Marshall Islands Atomic bomb victims Medical care : Children of the atomic bomb : an American physician's memoir of Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and the Marshall Islands / James N. Yamazaki with Louis B. Fleming
Marshall Islands Auditing : Diagnostic study of accounting and auditing practices in selected developing member countries : Azerbaijan; Fiji Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands; Philippines; Sri Lanka
Marshall Islands Canoes and canoeing : Breaking the shell : voyaging from nuclear refugees to people of the sea in the Marshall Islands / Joseph H. Genz
Marshall Islands -- Claims : Republic of the Marshall Islands : Staff Report for the 2013 Article IV Consultation
Marshall Islands Colonial administrators : An officer, yes, but a gentleman -- ? : a biographical sketch of Eugen Brandeis, military adviser, imperial judge and administrator in the German colonial service in the South Pacific / Dirk H.R. Spennemann
Marshall Islands Colonial administrators Biography : An officer, yes, but a gentleman -- ? : a biographical sketch of Eugen Brandeis, military adviser, imperial judge and administrator in the German colonial service in the South Pacific / Dirk H.R. Spennemann
Marshall Islands Constitutional law : Traditional leadership in the constitution of the Marshall Islands (with comparative notes) / C.J. Lynch
Marshall Islands Corporal punishment : An officer, yes, but a gentleman -- ? : a biographical sketch of Eugen Brandeis, military adviser, imperial judge and administrator in the German colonial service in the South Pacific / Dirk H.R. Spennemann
Marshall Islands Customary law : Traditional leadership in the constitution of the Marshall Islands (with comparative notes) / C.J. Lynch
Marshall Islands Economic development : Republic of the Marshall Islands : 2016 Article IV consultation; press release; staff report; and statement by the Executive Director for Republic of the Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands Fisheries : Republic of the Marshall Islands : 2016 Article IV consultation; press release; staff report; and statement by the Executive Director for Republic of the Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands Folklore : Dialogues with a trickster : on the margins of myth and ethnography in the Marshall Islands / Phillip H. McArthur
Marshall Islands Food consumption : Food consumption in the Marshall Islands : based on analysis of the 2019/20 household income and expenditure survey / Nathalie Troubat and Michael K. Sharp
Marshall Islands Foreign exchange rates : Republic of the Marshall Islands : 2008 Article IV consultation : staff report : and public information notice on the Executive Board discussion