Mass Media -- statistics & numerical data : Building communication capacity to counter infectious disease threats : proceedings of a workshop / V. Ayano Ogawa, Ceci Mundaca-Shah, and Joe Alper, rapporteurs ; Forum on Microbial Threats, Board on Global Health, Health and Medicine Division, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
Mass media -- Study and teaching -- Czech Republic : Analýza mediálního textu jako předpoklad pro mediální výchovu v českém jazyce : (na příkladu případových studií) / Soňa Schneiderová, Radka Holanová, Ladislav Janovec, Martina Šmejkalová
Mass media -- Study and teaching -- Research : Engaging and transforming global communication through cultural discourse analysis : a tribute to Donal Carbaugh / edited by Michelle Scollo, Trudy Milburn
Mass media -- Study and teaching -- Southeast Asia. : Communication education in ASEAN / edited by Ang Peng Hwa and Sankaran Ramanathan ; with assistance from Ahmad Redzuan Abdul Rahman and Violet B. Valdez
Mass media -- Study and teaching -- Spain : Competencias y perfiles profesionales en el ámbito de la comunicación / Marta Perlado Lamo de Espinosa y Carlos Cachán Alcolea, coordinadores ; Mar Ramos Rodríguez, editora ; Luis María Alcázar García, Marta Perlado Lamo de Espinosa, Carlos Cachán Alcolea [and 60 others]
Mass media surveys : Asian Americans and the Mass Media : a Content Analysis of Twenty United States Newspapers and a Survey of Asian American Journalists
Mass media surveys -- Australia -- Melbourne (Vic.) : Children's television behaviour, its antecedents and relationships to school performance : a study of the television viewing behaviour of children in grade 6 of state primary schools in the metropolitan area of Melbourne / Kevin James Sharman
Mass media surveys -- United States : Asian Americans and the Mass Media : a Content Analysis of Twenty United States Newspapers and a Survey of Asian American Journalists