A mass spectrometric technique that is used for the analysis of large biomolecules. Analyte molecules are embedded in an excess matrix of small organic molecules that show a high resonant absorption at the laser wavelength used. The matrix absorbs the laser energy, thus inducing a soft disintegration of the sample-matrix mixture into free (gas phase) matrix and analyte molecules and molecular ions. In general, only molecular ions of the analyte molecules are produced, and almost no fragmentation occurs. This makes the method well suited for molecular weight determinations and mixture analysis
A mass spectrometry technique using two (MS/MS) or more mass analyzers. With two in tandem, the precursor ions are mass-selected by a first mass analyzer, and focused into a collision region where they are then fragmented into product ions which are then characterized by a second mass analyzer. A variety of techniques are used to separate the compounds, ionize them, and introduce them to the first mass analyzer. For example, for in GC-MS/MS, GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY-MASS SPECTROMETRY is involved in separating relatively small compounds by GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY prior to injecting them into an ionization chamber for the mass selection
Mass spectrometry -- Technique -- Congresses. : Quantitative mass spectrometry in life sciences II : proceedings of the second international symposium held at the State University of Ghent, June 13-16, 1978 / editors, A. P. de Leenheer, R. R. Roncucci, C. van Peteghem
A mass spectrometric technique that is used for the analysis of a wide range of biomolecules, such as glycoalkaloids, glycoproteins, polysaccharides, and peptides. Positive and negative fast atom bombardment spectra are recorded on a mass spectrometer fitted with an atom gun with xenon as the customary beam. The mass spectra obtained contain molecular weight recognition as well as sequence information
A mass spectrometric technique that is used for the analysis of large biomolecules. Analyte molecules are embedded in an excess matrix of small organic molecules that show a high resonant absorption at the laser wavelength used. The matrix absorbs the laser energy, thus inducing a soft disintegration of the sample-matrix mixture into free (gas phase) matrix and analyte molecules and molecular ions. In general, only molecular ions of the analyte molecules are produced, and almost no fragmentation occurs. This makes the method well suited for molecular weight determinations and mixture analysis
Mass transfer -- Mathematics : Numerical analysis of heat and mass transfer in porous media / J.M.P.Q. Delgado, Antonio Gilson Barbosa Lima, Marta Vázquez Silva, editors
Mass transfer -- Measurement : Imaging heat and mass transfer processes : visualization and analysis / Pradipta Kumar Panigrahi, Krishnamurthy Muralidhar
Mass Transportation Acts. : The Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982: comparative economic effects on the trucking industry : report to the Committee on Finance, United States Senate / by the Comptroller General of the United States
Mass Vaccination -- economics : Financing vaccines in the 21st century : assuring access and availability / Committee on the Evaluation of Vaccine Purchase Financing in the United States, Board on Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine