Mediastinal Cyst. : A Treatise on the high operation for the stone / by William Cheselden. Together with A History of the high operation for the stone / by J.C. Carpue
Cysts of one of the parts of the mediastinum: the superior part, containing the trachea, esophagus, thoracic duct and thymus organs; the inferior middle part, containing the pericardium; the inferior anterior part containing some lymph nodes; and the inferior posterior part, containing the thoracic duct and esophagus
Mediastinal Neoplasms -- diagnosis : Mediastinal lesions : diagnostic pearls for interpretation of small biopsies and cytology / Anja C. Roden, Andre L. Moreira, editors
Mediastinal Neoplasms -- pathology : Mediastinal lesions : diagnostic pearls for interpretation of small biopsies and cytology / Anja C. Roden, Andre L. Moreira, editors
Mediastinal Neoplasms -- therapy : Mediastinal lesions : diagnostic pearls for interpretation of small biopsies and cytology / Anja C. Roden, Andre L. Moreira, editors
Mediastinum -- Surgery : Thoracic surgery : transplantation, tracheal resections, mediastinal tumors, extended thoracic reseactions / edited by Douglas J. Mathisen, Christopher R. Morse ; series editor, Josef E. Fischer ; illustrations by Body Scientific International, LLC., Anne Rains
Mediastinum -- Surgery -- Atlases : Thoracic surgery : transplantation, tracheal resections, mediastinal tumors, extended thoracic reseactions / edited by Douglas J. Mathisen, Christopher R. Morse ; series editor, Josef E. Fischer ; illustrations by Body Scientific International, LLC., Anne Rains
Mediastinum -- Tumors -- Biopsy : Mediastinal lesions : diagnostic pearls for interpretation of small biopsies and cytology / Anja C. Roden, Andre L. Moreira, editors
Mediastinum -- Tumors -- Treatment : The mediastinal mass : a multidisciplinary approach / Renato Franco, Federica Zito Marino, Antonio Giordano, editors
The process of bargaining in order to arrive at an agreement or compromise on a matter of importance to the parties involved. It also applies to the hearing and determination of a case by a third party chosen by the parties in controversy, as well as the interposing of a third party to reconcile the parties in controversy
Mediation -- Afghanistan : Turkey's mediation and Friends of Mediation Initiative / Bülent Aras, Chairman, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs Center for Strategic Research
Mediation -- Africa : Alternative Dispute Resolution in Africa : preventing conflict and enhancing stability / by Ernest E. Uwazie
Mediation and conciliation, Industrial -- Australia -- Periodicals. : Report 1997 : agreement-making under the Workplace Relations Act / report prepared for the Department of Workplace Relations and Small Business by the National Institute of Labour Studies Inc, the Flinders University of South Australia ; Anne Hawke, Frances Robertson, Judith Sloan