Medical economics -- Africa, East : Religion and health care in East Africa : lessons from Uganda, Mozambique and Ethiopia / Robert B. Lloyd, Melissa Haussman and Patrick James
Medical economics -- Africa, West : Measuring the Burden of Disease and Returns to Education in Rural West Africa. : the Collection and Analysis of Mortality, Morbidity, and Socio-Economic Data in the Nouna Health District in Burkina Faso
Medical economics -- Bangladesh -- Case studies : Process innovation in healthcare delivery at Praava Health, Bangladesh / Quazi Tafsirul Islam, Mohammad Asif Gazi, Rifat Iqbal, Kazi Lamia Haque, and Mehrub Haque
Medical economics -- Ethics : Zuteilungskriterien im Gesundheitswesen : Grenzen und Alternativen : eine einführung mit medizinethischen und philosophischen verortungen / Kathrin Dengler, Heiner Fangerau, (herausgeber)
Medical economics -- Europe : The Sustainability of health care systems in Europe / edited by Badi H. Baltagi and Francesco Moscone
Medical economics -- Former Soviet republics : Health and education expenditures in Russia, the Baltic States and the other countries of the Former Soviet Union / prepared by Mark A. Horton