Medicine, Military -- South Africa. : The sick and wounded in South Africa : what I saw and said of them and of the army medical system / by Mr. Burdett-Coutts
Medicine, Military -- Syria : Doctors in the war zone / produced and directed by Dominic Ozanne, Jeremy Llewellyn-Jones
Medicine, Military -- United States -- Congresses : Capturing the full power of biomaterials for military medicine : report of a workshop / Committee on Capturing the Full Power of Biomaterials for Military Medical Needs, Board on Manufacturing and Engineering Design, National Materials Advisory Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Medicine, Military -- United States -- Evaluation : Quality of care for PTSD and depression in the Military Health System : phase I report / Kimberly A. Hepner, Elizabeth M. Sloss, Carol P. Roth, Heather Krull, Susan M. Paddock, Shaela Moen, Martha J. Timmer, Harold Alan Pincus
The field of medicine concerned with understanding the biochemical basis of health and disease and involved in developing diagnostic and therapeutic methods that utilize MOLECULAR BIOLOGY techniques
Medicine, Mongolian Traditional : A soup for the Qan : Chinese dietary medicine of the Mongol era as seen in Hu Sihui's Yinshan zhengyao : introduction, translation, commentary, and Chinese text / by Paul D. Buell and Eugene N. Anderson ; with an appendix by Charles Perry
Medicine -- Morocco -- History : Medicine and the saints : science, Islam, and the colonial encounter in Morocco, 1877-1956 / Ellen J. Amster ; foreword by Rajae El Aoued
Medicine -- murder -- death. : Nurses and midwives in Nazi Germany : the "euthanasia programs" / edited by Susan Benedict and Linda Shields
A drugless system of therapy, making use of physical forces such as air, light, water, heat, massage. Treatments are often diet- and nutrition-oriented with attention given to the patient's personal history and lifestyle. (From Cassileth, Alternative Medicine Handbook, 1998, p329)
Medicine, Naval -- History- -- Congresses. : Islands of incarceration : convict and quarantine islands of the Australian coast / by seven authors ; editors: John Pearn and Peggy Carter