A drugless system of therapy, making use of physical forces such as air, light, water, heat, massage. Treatments are often diet- and nutrition-oriented with attention given to the patient's personal history and lifestyle. (From Cassileth, Alternative Medicine Handbook, 1998, p329)
Medicine, Naval -- History- -- Congresses. : Islands of incarceration : convict and quarantine islands of the Australian coast / by seven authors ; editors: John Pearn and Peggy Carter
Medicine -- Netherlands -- Communication systems -- Congresses : Health Continuum and Data Exchange in Belgium and in the Netherlands : Proceedings of Medical Informatics Congress (MIC 2004) & 5th Belgian e-Health Conference / edited by Francis H. Roger France [and others]
Medicine -- New Zealand -- History -- Congresses. : New countries and old medicine : proceedings of an International Conference on the History of Medicine and Health, Auckland, New Zealand, 1994 / edited by Linda Bryder and Derek A. Dow
Medicine Newborn infants : Innovations in neonatal-perinatal medicine : innovative technologies and therapies that have fundamentally changed the way we deliver care for the fetus and the neonate / editors, Oommen Mathew, Jatinder Bhatia
Medicine Ngaanyatjara (Australian people) : Traditional healers of central Australia : Ngangkari / Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women's Council Aboriginal Corporation
Medicine -- Oceania -- Periodicals : Pacific health dialog : a publication of the Pacific Basin Officers Training Program and the Fiji School of Medicine
Medicine Oglala Indians : The medicine men : Oglala Sioux ceremony and healing / Thomas H. Lewis
A branch of dentistry dealing with diseases of the oral and paraoral structures and the oral management of systemic diseases. (Hall, What is Oral Medicine, Anyway? Clinical Update: National Naval Dental Center, March 1991, p7-8)