Medicine, Preventive -- United States -- Statistics. : Disease prevention/health promotion : the facts / prepared by Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Medicine -- Psychiatry : Psychiatrie / herausgegeben von M.T. Gastpar, S. Kasper, M. Linden ; didaktisches konzept, Dr. U. Herzfeld ; typografie, D. Plake ; zeichnungen, H. Holtermann ; umschlagentwurf, Rudolf Hübler
A subspecialty of internal medicine concerned with the study of the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. It is especially concerned with diagnosis and treatment of diseases and defects of the lungs and bronchial tree
Medicine -- Quality control : Outcome measures for effective teamwork in inpatient care : final report / Melony E. Sorbero [and others]
A field of medicine concerned with developing and using strategies aimed at repair or replacement of damaged, diseased, or metabolically deficient organs, tissues, and cells via TISSUE ENGINEERING; CELL TRANSPLANTATION; and ARTIFICIAL ORGANS and BIOARTIFICIAL ORGANS and tissues
Here are entered works on treatments designed to enable a patient to overcome either physical or mental barriers to leading a normal active life --subdivision Rehabilitation under classes of persons and ethnic groups; and subdivision Patients--Rehabilitation under individual diseases, e.g. Cancer--Patients--Rehabilitation