Melbourne Public libraries Use studies : Tertiary students & library usage with particular emphasis on public libraries : a report of a 1986 Melbourne survey / by Kerry Grosser
Melbourne Public Library -- History -- Sources : Early book purchases in the Melbourne Public Library : Redmond Barry's instructions to the Agent-General, December 3rd 1853 / with an introduction by Richard Overell
Melbourne Public welfare : Submission to Victorian Local Government Board of Enquiry on Amalgamation of Municipalities
Melbourne punch. : Mr. Punch down under : a social history of the colony from 1856 to 1900 via cartoons and extracts from Melbourne Punch / edited by Suzane Fabian
Melbourne Radio stations Victoria : Report relating to the construction of the radio and orchestra project, Southbank for the ABC at Melbourne, Victoria (10th report of 1989) / Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works
Melbourne Real property : People and property in North Melbourne : development and change in an inner suburb of Melbourne, in the nineteen fifties and sixties / Ken Johnson
Melbourne Realism in art Australia Exhibitions : Angry penguins and realist painting in Melbourne in the 1940s : Hayward Gallery, London, 19 May to 14 August 1988 / organised by the South Bank Centre, the Australian National Gallery, and the Australian Bicentennial Authority
Melbourne Region Biodiversity Australia Victoria Bibliography : A reference guide to the ecology and natural resources of the Melbourne region : a bibliography of the biodiversity literature for scientists, teachers, policy makers, planners and natural resource managers / prepared by Mark J. McDonnell, Nicholas S.G. Williams and Amy K. Hahs
Melbourne Region Catholic high schools Australia Victoria : Summary of a report on the transition to secondary school of pupils from Catholic parish primary schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne who completed grade 6 in 1981 / by Brian J. Spicer
Melbourne Region Ecology Australia Victoria Bibliography : A reference guide to the ecology and natural resources of the Melbourne region : a bibliography of the biodiversity literature for scientists, teachers, policy makers, planners and natural resource managers / prepared by Mark J. McDonnell, Nicholas S.G. Williams and Amy K. Hahs
Melbourne region Geology Australia : Geology of the Melbourne district, Victoria : explanatory notes on the stratigraphy, structure and economic geology to accompany the geological map of Melbourne and suburbs (1959, scale 1:31, 680) / with contributions from: G. Bell [and others]
Melbourne Region Geology Australia Victoria Maps : Australia 1:63 360, Geological Survey of Victoria. Part 7822 Zone 55, Melbourne / geology compiled and partly resurveyed by A.H.M. Vandenberg, including previous work by C.D.H. Aplin ... [and others] ; drawn for reproduction in the Mines Department, Melbourne Victoria under the direction of D.W. McInnes .. chief draughtsman, 1974.
Melbourne Region High schools Australia Victoria : Summary of a report on the transition to secondary school of pupils from Catholic parish primary schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne who completed grade 6 in 1981 / by Brian J. Spicer
Melbourne Region Hydrology Australia Victoria : The hydrology of selected sites in the western wetlands region of Melbourne / R.M. Argent, B.L. Finlayson and T.A. McMahon (the Centre for Environmental Applied Hydrology, the University of Melbourne)