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Access this resource: Pidgeon Digital
Description Pidgeon Digital is a web-based digital collection of illustrated talks by architects and related designers. The collection was founded in 1979 by Monica Pidgeon (long-time editor of the influential magazine Architectural Design) and lectures are continually added.
Subject area Architecture and Built Environment
  Engineering and Design
  Landscape Architecture
Other name World Microfilms


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
Pidgeon Digital The 9/11 Memorial / [presented by] Michael Arad (Handel Architects)
Pidgeon Digital The AA School & Projects / [presented by] Alvin Boyarsky (Director Architectural Association)
Pidgeon Digital Abstract art into landscape / [presented by] Geoffrey Jellicoe
Pidgeon Digital Acropolis Museum, Athens / [presented by] Bernard Tschumi
Pidgeon Digital An act of dissimulation / [presented by] Peter Eisenman (Eisenman Architects)
Pidgeon Digital Ad Hoc Architecture / [presented by] John Johansen
Pidgeon Digital Advancing Geometries / [presented by] Cecil Balmond (Balmond Studio)
Pidgeon Digital After Archigram / [presented by] Michael Webb
Pidgeon Digital All Change at Bilbao / (presented by] Michael Wilford (Michael Wilford Architects)
Pidgeon Digital An All-Inclusive Symbiosis / [presented by] Kisho Kurokawa
Pidgeon Digital Ant Farm / [presented by] Chip Lord
Pidgeon Digital Apocalypse & Utopia / [presented by] James Wines (SITE) and Alison Sky (SITE)
Pidgeon Digital An appropriate language / [presented by] Gino Valle
Pidgeon Digital Architecture & Human Needs / [presented by] Giancarlo de Carlo (Team 10)
Pidgeon Digital Architecture as Human Geography / [presented by] Stanley Saitowitz
Pidgeon Digital Architecture as Language / [presented by] Bruno Zevi
Pidgeon Digital Architecture As Performance: From The Lisson Gallery To Westkaai Towers / [presented by] Tony Fretton (Tony Fretton Architects)
Pidgeon Digital Architectural Constants / [presented by] Romaldo Giurgola (Mitchell/Giurgola Architects)
Pidgeon Digital An Architecture of Abstraction / [presented by] Charles Gwathmey (Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects)
Pidgeon Digital The Architecture of Adolf Loos / [presented by] Yehuda Safran