Mesolithic period -- Egypt -- Fayyūm : The Archaeology of the First Farmer-Herders in Egypt : New insights into the Fayum Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic
Mesolithic period -- Eurasia : Human colonization of the Arctic : the interaction between early migration and the paleoenvironment / edited by V.M. Kotlyakov, A.A. Velichko and S.A. Vasil'ev
Mesolithic period -- Europe -- Congresses : Muge 150th : the 150th anniversary of the discovery of mesolithic shellmiddens. Volume 2 / edited by Nuno Bicho, Cleia Detry, T. Douglas Price and Eugénia Cunha
Mesolithic period -- Greece -- Youra Island : The cave of the cyclops : Mesolithic and Neolithic networks in the northern Aegean, Greece. Vol. 1, Intra-site analysis, local industries, and regional site distribution / edited by Adamantios Sampson
Mesolithic period -- Ukraine : Prehistoric Ukraine : from the first hunters to the first farmers / edited by Malcolm C. Lillie and Inna D. Potekhina ; assisted by Chelsea E. Budd
Mesolithic period -- Wales : Hunters, fishers and foragers in Wales : towards a social narrative of Mesolithic lifeways / Malcolm Lillie
Mesometeorology -- Mathematical models : Mesoscale modelling for meteorological and air pollution applications / edited by Ranjeet S. Sokhi, Alexander Baklanov and K. Heinke Schlünzen
Particular categories of body build, determined on the basis of certain physical characteristics. The three basic body types are ectomorph (thin physique), endomorph (rounded physique), and mesomorph (athletic physique)
Particular categories of body build, determined on the basis of certain physical characteristics. The three basic body types are ectomorph (thin physique), endomorph (rounded physique), and mesomorph (athletic physique)
The mint plant family. They are characteristically aromatic, and many of them are cultivated for their oils. Most have square stems, opposite leaves, and two-lipped, open-mouthed, tubular corollas (united petals), with five-lobed, bell-like calyxes (united sepals)
The mint plant family. They are characteristically aromatic, and many of them are cultivated for their oils. Most have square stems, opposite leaves, and two-lipped, open-mouthed, tubular corollas (united petals), with five-lobed, bell-like calyxes (united sepals)
An order comprising three families of eukaryotic viruses possessing linear, nonsegmented, positive sense RNA genomes. The families are Mesoniviridae; CORONAVIRIDAE; ARTERIVIRIDAE; and RONIVIRIDAE
An order comprising three families of eukaryotic viruses possessing linear, nonsegmented, positive sense RNA genomes. The families are Mesoniviridae; CORONAVIRIDAE; ARTERIVIRIDAE; and RONIVIRIDAE
An order comprising three families of eukaryotic viruses possessing linear, nonsegmented, positive sense RNA genomes. The families are Mesoniviridae; CORONAVIRIDAE; ARTERIVIRIDAE; and RONIVIRIDAE
Mesonychia -- See Also the narrower term Mesonychidae
Mesonychidae. : Terrestrial Mesonychia to aquatic Cetacea : transformation of the basicranium and evolution of hearing in whales / Zhexi Luo and Philip D. Gingerich