Metals -- Hardenability -- Congresses. : Quenching and the control of distortion : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quenching and the Control of Distortion, 4-7 November 1996, Cleveland Marriott Society Center, Cleveland, Ohio / edited by George E. Totten ... [and others] ; sponsored by the Programming & Events Committee of the ASM Heat Treating Society of ASM International ... [and others]
Metals, Heavy -- adverse effects : Environmental heavy metal pollution and effects on child mental development : risk assessment and prevention strategies / edited by Lubomir I. Simeonov, Mihail V. Kochubovski and Biana G. Simeonova
Metals, Heavy -- analysis : Interactions of nanomaterials with emerging environmental contaminants / Ruey-an Doong, editor, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Virender K. Sharma, editor, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida, United States, Hyunook Kim, editor, University of Seoul, Seoul, Republic of Korea ; sponsored by the ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry
Metals, Heavy -- chemistry : Photochemistry and photophysics of coordination compounds / volume editors, Vincenzo Balzani, Sebastiano Campagna ; with contributions by G. Accorsi [and others]
Here are entered works on the heating of metals for the purpose of hot working. Works on the heating of metals to obtain desired properties are entered under Metals--Heat treatment --subdivision Heating under individual metals and types of metals
Metals -- Hot working -- Congresses. : Advances in hot deformation textures and microstructures : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by TMS and ASM International held during Materials Week in Pittsburgh, PA, October 18-20, 1993 / edited by John J. Jonas, Thomas R. Bieler, and Keith J. Bowman
Metals -- Impact testing -- Congresses. : Drop-weight test for determination of nil-ductility transition temperature, user's experience with ASTM method E 208 : a symposium, Williamsburg, VA, 28-29 Nov. 1984 / sponsored by ASTM Committee E-28 on Mechanical Testing ; John M. Holt and P.P. Puzak, editors