Métastase lymphatique -- diagnostic. : Selective sentinel lymphadenectomy for human solid cancer / edited by Stanley P.L. Leong, Yuko Kitagawa, Masaki Kitajima
The transfer of a neoplasm from one organ or part of the body to another remote from the primary site
Métastases par voie lymphatique. : Selective sentinel lymphadenectomy for human solid cancer / edited by Stanley P.L. Leong, Yuko Kitagawa, Masaki Kitajima
Metàstasi. : Pathology of peritoneal metastases : the unchartered fields / Olivier Glehen, Aditi Bhatt, editors
Metastasio, Pietro, 1698-1782. : The lives of Haydn and Mozart : with observations on Metastasio, and on the present state of music in France and Italy / translated from the French of L.A.C. Bombet
Metastasis -- Animal models -- Congresses. : Metastasis, clinical and experimental aspects : proceedings of the EORTC Metastasis Group International Conference on Clinical and Experimental Aspects of Metastasis, London April 21-23, 1980 / edited by K. Hellmann, P. Hilgard, S. Eccles
Genes that inhibit expression of the tumorigenic phenotype. They are normally involved in holding cellular growth in check. When tumor suppressor genes are inactivated or lost, a barrier to normal proliferation is removed and unregulated growth is possible
Genes that inhibit expression of the tumorigenic phenotype. They are normally involved in holding cellular growth in check. When tumor suppressor genes are inactivated or lost, a barrier to normal proliferation is removed and unregulated growth is possible
Intercellular signaling peptides that were originally characterized by their ability to suppress NEOPLASM METASTASIS. Kisspeptins have since been found to play an important role in the neuroendocrine regulation of REPRODUCTION
Metastasis -- Treatment -- Congresses : Controversies in neuro-oncology : 3rd International Symposium on Special Aspects of Radiotherapy, Berlin, Germany, April 30-May 2, 1998 / volume editors, T. Wiegel [and others]
Metastasis -- Treatment -- Technological innovations : Extracellular targeting of cell signaling in cancer : strategies directed at MET and RON receptor tyrosine kinases / edited by James W. Janetka, Roseann Benson
Here are entered works on the transfer of cancer to an organ or part of the body remote from the primary site. Works on the ability of cancer to infiltrate and actively destroy surrounding tissue are entered under Cancer invasiveness
A cell surface protein-tyrosine kinase receptor that is overexpressed in a variety of ADENOCARCINOMAS. It has extensive homology to and heterodimerizes with the EGF RECEPTOR, the ERBB-3 RECEPTOR, and the ERBB-4 RECEPTOR. Activation of the erbB-2 receptor occurs through heterodimer formation with a ligand-bound erbB receptor family member
Intercellular signaling peptides that were originally characterized by their ability to suppress NEOPLASM METASTASIS. Kisspeptins have since been found to play an important role in the neuroendocrine regulation of REPRODUCTION
MetaStock. : MetaStock in a nutshell / Simon Sherwood