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Book Cover
Author Smelik, Klaas

Title Approaches to Literary Readings of Ancient Jewish Writings
Published Brill, 2013


Description 1 online resource
Contents Preface; Abbreviations; Introduction: Some Thoughts on Ancient Jewish Texts and the 'Literary'; Part One Hebrew Bible; "Literary" Craft and Performative Power in the Ancient Near East: The Hebrew Bible in Context; Selecting and Analyzing Metaphors in the Hebrew Bible: Cognitive Linguistics and the Literary; Literary Theory and Composition History of the Torah: The Sea Crossing (Exod 14:1-31) as a Test Case; Eyewitness Accounts in the Books of Samuel? A Reappraisal; A Battle of Wits and Words: Hushai, Ahithophel and the Absalom Rebellion (2 Samuel 16-17)
Summary In this volume twelve contributions discuss the relevance, accuracy, potential, and possible alternatives to a literary reading of ancient Jewish writings, especially the Hebrew Bible
Notes Print version record
SUBJECT Bible. Old Testament -- Criticism, interpretation, etc. -- Congresses
Midrash -- Criticism, Textual -- Congresses
Bible. Old Testament fast
Genre/Form Conference papers and proceedings
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Form Electronic book
ISBN 1299989160