Military doctrine -- Iran : Iranian concepts of warfare : understanding Tehran's evolving military doctrines / J. Matthew McInnis
Military doctrine -- Iran -- 21st century : Precision Fire : a Strategic Assessment of Iran's Conventional Missile Program / Bilal Y. Saab and Michael Elleman ; preface by Zalmay Khalilzad
Here are entered works on conscription for service in a country's armed forces --subdivision Recruiting, enlistment, etc. under individual military services, e.g. United States. Army--Recruiting, enlistment, etc
Military -- Drama : The silence of Neto = el silencio de Neto / una pelicula de Luis Argueta ; guión de Justo Chang y Luis Argueta ; dirigida por Luis Argueta.
Military education -- Accidents : Tragedy at Chu Lai : reconstructing a deadly grenade accident in a U.S. Army classroom in Vietnam, July 10, 1969 / David Venditta
Military education -- Afghanistan : Advising the Command : Best Practices from the Special Operation's Advisory Experience in Afghanistan / Todd C. Helmus
Military education -- Afghanistan -- Evaluation : Afghan National Security Forces and security lead transition : the assessment process, metrics, and efforts to build capability : hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session, hearing held July 24, 2012
Military education -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Civilian skills for African military officers to resolve the infrastructure, economic development, and stability crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa / Diane E. Chido