Military -- Drama : The silence of Neto = el silencio de Neto / una pelicula de Luis Argueta ; guión de Justo Chang y Luis Argueta ; dirigida por Luis Argueta.
Military education -- Accidents : Tragedy at Chu Lai : reconstructing a deadly grenade accident in a U.S. Army classroom in Vietnam, July 10, 1969 / David Venditta
Military education -- Afghanistan : Advising the Command : Best Practices from the Special Operation's Advisory Experience in Afghanistan / Todd C. Helmus
Military education -- Afghanistan -- Evaluation : Afghan National Security Forces and security lead transition : the assessment process, metrics, and efforts to build capability : hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session, hearing held July 24, 2012
Military education -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Civilian skills for African military officers to resolve the infrastructure, economic development, and stability crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa / Diane E. Chido
Military education -- Curricula -- United States : Science, technology, and U.S. national security strategy : preparing military leadership for the future / principal author, Raymond F. DuBois ; contributing authors, Daniel M. Gerstein, James M. Keagle ; foreword, James Stavridis ; afterword, John J. Hamre ; research assistant, Rose Morrisy
Military education -- Greece -- History : The springtime of the people : the Athenian Ephebeia and citizen training from Lykourgos to Augustus / by Thomas R. Henderson
Military education -- International cooperation -- Evaluation : A building partner capacity assessment framework : tracking inputs, outputs, outcomes, disrupters, and workarounds / Christopher Paul, Brain Gordon, Jennifer D.P. Moroney, Lisa Saum-Manning, Beth Grill, Colin P. Clarke, Heather Peterson
Military education -- Latin America : Father Roy : inside the school of assassins / Corporation for Public Broadcasting ; produced by Richter Productions, Inc. ; written, produced, and directed by Robert Richter