Military government -- Nigeria -- History -- Congresses : Mohammed Chris Alli's the Federal Republic of Nigerian Army symposium on Sage philosophy / edited by Maduabuchi Dukor, professor of philosophy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria
Military government -- South Asia : The revival of military rule in South and Southeast Asia : dangers to the region's democratic future / Joshua Kurlantzick
Military government -- Southeast Asia : The revival of military rule in South and Southeast Asia : dangers to the region's democratic future / Joshua Kurlantzick
Military governors -- Biography -- Encyclopedias : Government leaders, military rulers, and political activists / edited by David W. Del Testa ; writers, David W. Del Testa, Florence Lemoine, John Strickland
Military Health : From horror to hope : recognizing and preventing the health impacts of war / Barry S. Levy ; with the assistance of Heather L. McStowe
Military Health Services : Combat social work : applying the lessons of war to the realities of human services / edited by Charles R. Figley, Jeffrey S. Yarvis, Bruce A. Thyer
Military Health System (U.S.) -- Evaluation : Assessing the quality and value of psychological health care in civilian health plans : lessons and implications for the Military Health System / Grant R. Martsolf, Karen Chan Osilla, Daniel Mandel, Kimberly A. Hepner, Carrie M. Farmer