Mirador Cave Paleontological excavations Spain : Prehistoric herders and farmers : a transdisciplinary overview to the archeological record from El Mirador Cave / Ethel Allué, Patricia Martín, Josep Maria Vergès, editors
Mirador Cave Spain : Prehistoric herders and farmers : a transdisciplinary overview to the archeological record from El Mirador Cave / Ethel Allué, Patricia Martín, Josep Maria Vergès, editors
Mirador Cave (Spain) -- Antiquities : Prehistoric herders and farmers : a transdisciplinary overview to the archeological record from El Mirador Cave / Ethel Allué, Patricia Martín, Josep Maria Vergès, editors
Miʿrājʹnāmah Avicenna, 980-1037 : Allegory and philosophy in Avicenna (Ibn Sînâ) : with a translation of the Book of the Prophet Muhammad's ascent to heaven / Peter Heath
Mirakel i konsten. : One leg in the grave revisited : the miracle of the transplantion of the black leg by the saints Cosmas and Damian / edited by Kees Zimmerman ; with contributions by Carmen Fracchia, Jan de Jong, Catrien Santing
Mirakelspelen. : Gender and medieval drama / Katie Normington
Miralles, Enric -- Exhibitions. : EMBT : Enric Miralles, Benedetta Tagliabue : work in progress / Ministerio De Vivienda, Col-legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya
Miralles, Francisco, 1837- Desde Júpiter : Los espíritus de la ciencia ficción : espiritismo, periodismo y cultura popular en las novelas de Eduardo Holmberg, Francisco Miralles y Pedro Castera / por Luis C. Cano
Miranda (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) : Live from Stratford-upon-Avon. The tempest / William Shakespeare ; the Royal Shakespeare Company in collaboration with Intel in association with the Imaginerium Studios ; direction, Gregory Doran ; producers, Sarah Ellis, Kevin Fitzmaurice ; screen director, Dewi Humphreys ; producer, John Wyver ; a Royal Shakespeare Company presentation
Miranda (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) -- Drama : Live from Stratford-upon-Avon. The tempest / William Shakespeare ; the Royal Shakespeare Company in collaboration with Intel in association with the Imaginerium Studios ; direction, Gregory Doran ; producers, Sarah Ellis, Kevin Fitzmaurice ; screen director, Dewi Humphreys ; producer, John Wyver ; a Royal Shakespeare Company presentation
Miranda's Expedition, 1806 Venezuela History : The trials of William S. Smith and Samuel G. Ogden : for misdemeanours, had in the Circuit Court of the United States for the New-York District in July, 1806 : with a preliminary account of the proceedings of the same court against Messrs. Smith & Ogden in the preceding April term / by Thomas Lloyd, stenographer
Mirandé, Alfredo : Rascuache lawyer : toward a theory of ordinary litigation / Alfredo Mirandé