Molecular clouds -- Congresses : Protostars and planets VI / edited by Henrik Beuther, Ralf S. Klessen, Cornelis P. Dullemond, and Thomas Henning ; with the assistance of Renee Dotson ; with 250 collaborating authors
Here are entered works on microscopic aggregates consisting of a few tens to a few hundreds of atoms and exhibiting properties found in neither molecules nor solids
Molecular computers -- Programming : Storing clocked programs inside DNA : a simplifying framework for nanocomputing / Jessica P. Chang and Dennis E. Shasha
molecular computing. : Untangling Complex Systems : a Grand Challenge for Science
Models used experimentally or theoretically to study molecular shape, electronic properties, or interactions; includes analogous molecules, computer-generated graphics, and mechanical structures
Examination of CHROMOSOMES to diagnose, classify, screen for, or manage genetic diseases and abnormalities. Following preparation of the sample, KARYOTYPING is performed and/or the specific chromosomes are analyzed
Examination of CHROMOSOMES to diagnose, classify, screen for, or manage genetic diseases and abnormalities. Following preparation of the sample, KARYOTYPING is performed and/or the specific chromosomes are analyzed
Examination of CHROMOSOMES to diagnose, classify, screen for, or manage genetic diseases and abnormalities. Following preparation of the sample, KARYOTYPING is performed and/or the specific chromosomes are analyzed
Examination of CHROMOSOMES to diagnose, classify, screen for, or manage genetic diseases and abnormalities. Following preparation of the sample, KARYOTYPING is performed and/or the specific chromosomes are analyzed
Molecular diagnosis Breast Cancer : Biomarkers in breast cancer : molecular diagnostics for predicting and monitoring therapeutic effect / edited by Giampietro Gasparini and Daniel F. Hayes
Molecular diagnosis Cancer Congresses : Genome-based diagnostics : demonstrating clinical utility in oncology : workshop summary / Adam C. Berger and Steve Olson, rapporteurs ; Roundtable on Translating Genomic-Based Research for Health, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies