Examination of CHROMOSOMES to diagnose, classify, screen for, or manage genetic diseases and abnormalities. Following preparation of the sample, KARYOTYPING is performed and/or the specific chromosomes are analyzed
Examination of CHROMOSOMES to diagnose, classify, screen for, or manage genetic diseases and abnormalities. Following preparation of the sample, KARYOTYPING is performed and/or the specific chromosomes are analyzed
Examination of CHROMOSOMES to diagnose, classify, screen for, or manage genetic diseases and abnormalities. Following preparation of the sample, KARYOTYPING is performed and/or the specific chromosomes are analyzed
Molecular diagnosis Breast Cancer : Biomarkers in breast cancer : molecular diagnostics for predicting and monitoring therapeutic effect / edited by Giampietro Gasparini and Daniel F. Hayes
Molecular diagnosis Cancer Congresses : Genome-based diagnostics : demonstrating clinical utility in oncology : workshop summary / Adam C. Berger and Steve Olson, rapporteurs ; Roundtable on Translating Genomic-Based Research for Health, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Molecular diagnosis Melanoma Laboratory manuals : Molecular diagnostics for melanoma : methods and protocols / edited by Magdalena Thurin, Cancer Diagnosis Program, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA, Francesco M. Marincola, Sidra Medical and Research Center, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar
Molecular diagnosis Nervous system Degeneration : Neurodegenerative diseases biomarkers : towards translating research to clinical practice / edited by Philip V. Peplow, Bridget Martinez, Thomas A. Gennarelli
Molecular diagnosis Pancreas Cancer : Molecular diagnostics and treatment of pancreatic cancer : systems and network biology approaches / edited by Asfar S. Azmi