Disorders in which the essential feature is a severe disturbance in mood (depression, anxiety, elation, and excitement) accompanied by psychotic symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, gross impairment in reality testing, etc
A syndrome characterized by depressions that recur annually at the same time each year, usually during the winter months. Other symptoms include anxiety, irritability, decreased energy, increased appetite (carbohydrate cravings), increased duration of sleep, and weight gain. SAD (seasonal affective disorder) can be treated by daily exposure to bright artificial lights (PHOTOTHERAPY), during the season of recurrence
Mood German language Congresses : Satzmodus Zwischen Grammatik und Pragmatik : Referate Anläßlich der 8. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Sprachwissenschaft, Heidelberg 1986/ Hrsg. Von Jörg Meibauer
Mood German language History : Redewiedergabe in frühneuzeitlichen Hexenprozessakten : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Modusverwendung im Deutschen / Anja Wilke
Subjectively experienced sensations in the absence of an appropriate stimulus, but which are regarded by the individual as real. They may be of organic origin or associated with MENTAL DISORDERS
Subjectively experienced sensations in the absence of an appropriate stimulus, but which are regarded by the individual as real. They may be of organic origin or associated with MENTAL DISORDERS
Mood (Psychology) in adolescence. : Managing moods workbook for teens : a toolbox of reproducible assessments and activities for facilitators / Ester R.A. Leutenberg and John J. Litpak, EdD
Mood (Psychology) -- Problems, exercises, etc : Managing moods workbook : a toolbox of reproducible assessments and activities for facilitators / Ester R.A. Leutenberg and John J. Litpak, EdD
mood regulation. : Using Diagrams in Psychotherapy : a Guide to Visually Enhanced Therapy
Mood Romance languages : Modality and mood in romance : modal interpretation, mood selection, and mood alternation / edited by Martin G. Becker and Eva-Maria Remberger