Moscow Subways Russia (Federation) : Moscow Metro : photoguide / written and compiled by Valentin Berezin ; photos by Alexander Terziyev ; translated by Gabriel Julian Arthur Shkarovsky-Raffé
Moscow Teenagers Russia (Federation) Attitudes : The "children of Perestroika" : Moscow teenagers talk about their lives and the future / Deborah Adelman ; narratives translated by Deborah Adelman, Fay Greenbaum, and Sharon Mckee
Moscow Theater and state Russia (Federation) : Moscow theatres for young people : a cultural history of ideological coercion and artistic innovation, 1917-2000 / Manon van de Water
Moscow Trials (Assassination) Russia (Federation) : The February 2015 Assassination of Boris Nemtsov and the Flawed Trial of His Alleged Killers : an Exploration of Russia's "Crime of the 21st Century."
Moscow Trials (Sedition) Russia (Federation) : Report of court proceedings in the case of the Anti-Soviet Trotskyite Centre : heard before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, January 23-30, 1937, in re: Y.L. Pyatakov, K.B. Radek, G.Y. Sokolnikov ... [and 14 others] accused of treason against the country, espionage, acts of diversion, wrecking activities and the preparation of terrorist acts, i.e., of crimes covered by articles 58(1a), 58(8), 58(9) and 58(11) of the Criminal code of the R.S.F.S.R
Moscow Upper class Russia (Federation) Drama : Anna Karenina : musical / music, Roman Ignatyev ; book & lyrics, Yuliy Kim ; show director, Alina Chevik ; choreography, Irina Korneeva ; film production & direction by Vipro