Mother and child -- Congresses. : Talking to children : language input and acquisition: papers from a conference sponsored by the Committee on Sociolinguistics of the Social Science Research Council (USA) / edited by Catherine E. Snow, Charles A. Ferguson
Mother and child -- Egypt -- History : Motherhood and early childhood in ancient Egypt : culture, religion, and medicine / Amandine Marshall ; translated by Colin Clement
Mother and child -- France. : The myth of motherhood : an historical view of the maternal instinct / Elisabeth Badinter ; foreword by Francine du Plessix Gray
Mother and child -- History -- 19th century. : Maternity : letters from working-women collected by the Women's Co-operative Guild / edited and introduced by Margaret Llewelyn Davies
Mother and child -- India. : All the mothers are one : Hindu India and the cultural reshaping of psychoanalysis / Stanley N. Kurtz ; foreword by S. J. Tambiah
Mother and child -- Namibia -- Congresses : Proceedings of the National Safe Motherhood Conference held in Windhoek 26-28 November 1991 / Ministry of Health and Social Services in collaboration with United Nations Population Fund [and] United Nations Children's Fund
Mother and child -- Nicaragua -- Managua : A mi lado = (By my side) / JCDe Productions presents ; a film by Jean-Cosme Delaloye ; produced by Jean-Cosme Delaloye ; directed by Jean-Cosme Delaloye
Mother and child -- North America -- Case studies : The reproductive lives of twenty middle class North American women : autoethnographical analyses with bibliographical extensions / Glenda Lewin Hufnagel ; with a foreword by Courtney Vaughn