Mouth -- Pathophysiology -- Congresses : Interface Oral Health Science 2007 : proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium for Interface Oral Health Science, held in Sendai, Japan, between 18 and 19 February 2007 / M. Watanabe, O. Okuno, editors ; K. Sasaki, O. Suzuki, N. Takahashi, associate editors
Devices or pieces of equipment placed in or around the mouth or attached to instruments to protect the external or internal tissues of the mouth and the teeth
Devices or pieces of equipment placed in or around the mouth or attached to instruments to protect the external or internal tissues of the mouth and the teeth
Mouth -- Precancerous conditions. : Oral precancer : diagnosis and management of potentially malignant disorders / edited by Peter Thomson
Devices or pieces of equipment placed in or around the mouth or attached to instruments to protect the external or internal tissues of the mouth and the teeth
Mouth -- Surgery -- Computer simulation : Digital dental implantology : from treatment planning to guided surgery / Jorge M. Galante, Nicolás A. Rubio, editors
Mouth -- Surgery -- Pictorial works : Illustrated manual of orthognathic surgery : osteotomies of the mandible / [edited by] Peter Kessler, Nicolas Hardt, Kensuke Yamauchi
Mouth -- Surgery -- Risk factors : Oral and maxillofacial surgery for the medically compromised patient : a guide to management and high-quality care / Daniel J. Meara, Rajesh Gutta, editors
A group of painful oral symptoms associated with a burning or similar sensation. There is usually a significant organic component with a degree of functional overlay; it is not limited to the psychophysiologic group of disorders
A group of painful oral symptoms associated with a burning or similar sensation. There is usually a significant organic component with a degree of functional overlay; it is not limited to the psychophysiologic group of disorders
The artificial substitution of heart and lung action as indicated for HEART ARREST resulting from electric shock, DROWNING, respiratory arrest, or other causes. The two major components of cardiopulmonary resuscitation are artificial ventilation (RESPIRATION, ARTIFICIAL) and closed-chest CARDIAC MASSAGE
The artificial substitution of heart and lung action as indicated for HEART ARREST resulting from electric shock, DROWNING, respiratory arrest, or other causes. The two major components of cardiopulmonary resuscitation are artificial ventilation (RESPIRATION, ARTIFICIAL) and closed-chest CARDIAC MASSAGE
Mouth -- Tomography : Cone beam computed tomography in orthodontics : indications, insights, and innovations / [edited by] Sunil Kapila
An acute or chronic GINGIVITIS characterized by redness and swelling, NECROSIS extending from the interdental papillae along the gingival margins, PAIN; HEMORRHAGE, necrotic odor, and often a pseudomembrane. The condition may extend to the ORAL MUCOSA; TONGUE; PALATE; or PHARYNX. The etiology is somewhat unclear, but may involve a complex of FUSOBACTERIUM NUCLEATUM along with spirochetes BORRELIA or TREPONEMA
Devices or pieces of equipment placed in or around the mouth or attached to instruments to protect the external or internal tissues of the mouth and the teeth
Devices or pieces of equipment placed in or around the mouth or attached to instruments to protect the external or internal tissues of the mouth and the teeth
Mouthwashes. : Adam Ruins Everything: Hygiene - Ep 6 / Director: Wilkerson, Tim