Book Cover

Title Performing medieval narrative / edited by Evelyn Birge Vitz, Nancy Freeman Regalado, Marilyn Lawrence
Published Cambridge ; Rochester, NY : D.S. Brewer, 2005


Description 1 online resource (xvi, 261 pages) : illustrations
Contents "He was the best teller of tales in the world": performing medieval Welsh narrative / Sioned Davies -- The complaint of the makers: Wynnere and Wastoure and the "misperformance topos" in medieval England / Joyce Coleman -- Dioneo's repertory: performance and writing in Boccaccio's Decameron / John Ahern -- Mise en texte as indicator of oral performance in Old French verse narrative / Keith Busby -- Erotic reading in the Middle Ages: performance and re-performance of romance / Evelyn Birge Vitz -- Oral performance of written narrative in the medieval French romance Ysaÿe le triste / Marilyn Lawrence -- Performing romance: Arthurian interludes in Sarrasin's Le roman du hem (1278) / Nancy Freeman Regalado -- Performing fabliaux / Brian J. Levy -- Preaching, storytelling, and the performance of short pious narratives / Adrian P. Tudor -- Reading, reciting, and performing the Renart / Kenneth Varty -- Turkic bard and medieval entertainer: what a living epic tradition can tell us about oral performance of narrative in the Middle Ages / Karl Reichl -- Beowulf, the Edda, and the performance of medieval epic: notes from the workshop of a reconstructed "singer of tales" / Benjamin Bagby -- The weddynge of Sir Gawen and Dame Ragnell: performance and intertextuality in middle English popular romance / Linda Marie Zaerr -- "Une aventure vous dirai": performing medieval narrative / Anne Azéma
Summary "A survey of an investigation into the important question of whether or not medieval narrative was designed for performance"--Provided by publisher
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references (pages 225-243) and index
Subject Literature, Medieval -- History and criticism.
Oral interpretation -- History -- To 1500
TRAVEL -- Special Interest -- Literary.
Literature, Medieval.
Oral interpretation.
Mündliche Literatur
MuÌ#x88;ndliche Literatur.
Genre/Form Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Form Electronic book
Author Vitz, Evelyn Birge
Regalado, Nancy Freeman.
Lawrence, Marilyn.
ISBN 9781846154201