Actions speak louder than words : the cultural significance of Chinese ritual opera / David Johnson -- Lei Yu-sheng ("Thunder is noisy") and Mu-lien in the theatrical and funerary traditions of Fukien / Kenneth Dean -- Mu-lien "operas" in Taiwanese funeral rituals / Qiu Kunliang -- Mu-lien plays in Taoist liturgical context / Kristofer Schipper -- Mu-lien dramas in Puli, Taiwan / Gary Seaman -- The ritual behind the opera : a fragmentary ethnography of the ghost festival, A.D. 400-1900 / Stephen F. Teiser -- The spiritual saga of woman Huang : from pollution to purification / Beata Grant -- The Mu-lien operas : a selective bibliography / Dajuin Yao
"Papers from the International Workshop on the Mu-lien Operas" -- T.p
"With an additional contribution on the Woman Huang legend, by Beata Grant" -- T.p