Murderers -- England -- London -- History : Modern murders : the turn-of-the-century's backlash against melodramatic and sensational representations of murder, 1880-1914 / Lee Michael-Berger
Murderers -- Great Britain -- Psychology : Certain other countries : homicide, gender, and national identity in late nineteenth-century England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales / Carolyn A. Conley
Murderers -- History : Modern murders : the turn-of-the-century's backlash against melodramatic and sensational representations of murder, 1880-1914 / Lee Michael-Berger
Murderers -- Louisiana -- Biography : Hermann Remson, the great Louisiana murderer : the details of his first crime, his connection with the robbery of Davis, Palmer & Co.'s jewelry store, Boston, the murder of his accomplice at Buffalo and of Mrs. Campbell, Pike Co., Mississippi : also the atrocious murder of the venerable Judge Legree of Louisiana and his accomplished wife, and the burning of their beautiful mansion, consuming three children in the flames : with the strange & unnatural death, sunk in the quicksands of a lonely island in the Attakappas district of Louisiana
Murderers -- Massachusetts -- Boston : The life of Jesse Harding Pomeroy : the most remarkable case in the history of crime or criminal law / by E. Luscomb Haskell
Murderers -- Massachusetts -- Malden : The life, character, and career of Edward W. Green, postmaster of Malden, the murderer of Frank E. Converse
Murderers -- Mississippi : Love & hate crime. Series 1, episode 2, Murder in Mississippi / producer, Victoria Musguin-Rowe ; filmed and directed by Ben Steele ; Top Hat for BBC
Murderers -- Mississippi -- Interviews : Love & hate crime. Series 1, episode 1, Double lives / producer, Victoria Musguin-Rowe ; filmed and directed by Ben Steele ; Top Hat for BBC