Murderers -- Louisiana -- Biography : Hermann Remson, the great Louisiana murderer : the details of his first crime, his connection with the robbery of Davis, Palmer & Co.'s jewelry store, Boston, the murder of his accomplice at Buffalo and of Mrs. Campbell, Pike Co., Mississippi : also the atrocious murder of the venerable Judge Legree of Louisiana and his accomplished wife, and the burning of their beautiful mansion, consuming three children in the flames : with the strange & unnatural death, sunk in the quicksands of a lonely island in the Attakappas district of Louisiana
Murderers -- Massachusetts -- Boston : The life of Jesse Harding Pomeroy : the most remarkable case in the history of crime or criminal law / by E. Luscomb Haskell
Murderers -- Mississippi : Love & hate crime. Series 1, episode 2, Murder in Mississippi / producer, Victoria Musguin-Rowe ; filmed and directed by Ben Steele ; Top Hat for BBC
Murderers -- Mississippi -- Interviews : Love & hate crime. Series 1, episode 1, Double lives / producer, Victoria Musguin-Rowe ; filmed and directed by Ben Steele ; Top Hat for BBC
Murderers -- New York (State) : Pictorial life and adventures of Mrs. Whipple & Jesse Strang : the murder of Mr. Whipple / by editor of the New York national police gazette
Murderers -- New York (State) -- Biography : The terrible deeds of George L. Shaftesbury : who killed his own mother and sister, and fled to New York City, where he was joined by the female murderer, Marie Lavine, whom he detected in the act of dragging to the river the body of a man whom she had murdered in one of the dens of Walnut Street, in that city ; and they, after passing through the most dark and unparalleled career of crime, were finally both executed in Quebec, June 7, 1850, for the murder of Lord Amel and family / [by J. Elligen]
Murderers -- North Carolina -- Fiction : The life, confession, and execution of the Jew and Jewess, Gustavus Linderhoff and Fanny Victoria Talzingler : who were hung in Asheville, North Carolina, Oct. 27, 1854, for the triple murder of Abner, Benjamin, and Charles Ecclangfeldt, orphan children, who were left to the guardianship of the villain Linderhoff, together with twenty thousand dollars
Murderers -- Ohio -- Cincinnati : Murder will out : the first step in crime leads to the gallows : the horrors of the Queen City ... / by an old citizen
Murderers -- Oregon : A grip of time : when prison is your life / Lauren Kessler
Murderers -- Pennsylvania -- Huntingdon County : Trial and confession of Robt. McConaghy, the inhuman butcher of Mr. Brown's family, on Saturday, May 30th, 1840, in Huntingdon County, six of his own relatives : the mother of his own wife, her four brothers and sister : to which is added the judge's charge and sentence and the eloquent argument of George Taylor, Esq
Murderers -- Press coverage : The subject of murder : gender, exceptionality, and the modern killer / Lisa Downing
Murderers -- Psychological aspects. : His bloody project : documents relating to the case of Roderick Macrae : a novel / edited and introduced by Graeme Macrae Burnet [author]
Murderers -- Psychological aspects -- Fiction. : His bloody project : documents relating to the case of Roderick Macrae : a novel / edited and introduced by Graeme Macrae Burnet [author]
Murderers -- Psychology -- Evaluation : Cut from the same cloth? : lone actor terrorists versus common homicide offenders / Marieke Liem, Jelle van Buuren & Hanneke Schönberger
Murderers -- Scotland -- Fiction. : The private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinner / written by himself with a detail of curious traditionary facts and other evidence by the editor
Murderers -- Singapore : Murder most foul : strangled, poisoned and dismembered in Singapore / Yeo, Suan Futt
Murderers -- Soviet Union : Glasnost Film Festival. Volume 11, Final verdict / director and script, Hertz Frank